
Thesis Interview w/ Dan Winistorfer

What is the theme for your thesis?

For my thesis, i can honestly say i dont have an exact idea of what is going to be created, but i can say that i want to combine two different mediums. I prefer illustration over any type of visual art. Being a graphic design student, i have slowly strayed away from illustration, besides small sketches of different design ideas. I would like to work on creating different portrait drawings, but also using them to their full advantage in new design ideas. What i am trying to communicate with this combination of illustration and design, i do not know yet, but im sure with a little bit of time and drafting, i will find a good concept.

What are your strongest qualities and weakest qualities when it comes to your art ethic?

My strongest qualities in my eyes are my drawing abilities, and color palette selection. I try to use it to my advantage as best i can, and when possible or necessary. I am very good at replicating images, and often combine specific qualities from several images to reinvent a whole new image, idea, or concept. I'd say my weakest qualities are my ability to navigate through the technicalities of using computer programs. My instinct to be illustrative may be too strong at times, because i revert back to old habits, instead of using newer tools to make new habits. Also, I feel that I need much improvement in being minimal, but also communicating a message. Minimalism meaning using negative space, composition, and text size correctly. I feel like the solution to this is to spend more time in front of the computer, but also make test prints a little more often.

Do you have an artist idol or an artist that has a great influence on your work?

No current artist in particular. I feel like thats also another weakness of mine. I enjoy looking at many different works of graphic designers and illustrators, and also try to keep myself updated on different design websites. but i never followed a specifics artist work in large quantities. The only artist that I can honestly say i have seen and been influenced by all of his work is M.C. Escher.

What kind of style would you say you have?

I have a visual style. Id like to work on my conceptual approach to my work. Ultimately i would like to have a style that combines illustration and design.

How long have you been in the art game?

I've been drawing my whole life. Ive got a few old notebooks at home that i filled with drawings from kindergarten through elementary school. Looking back on them, its interesting to see how well i payed attention to the smallest details. But i've literally been drawing since then. once i figured out that i could draw, i started trying other ways for me to use my talent for attention to detail.

Do you make art for the purpose of the audience or self satisfaction?

Id say both. my satisfaction comes from the audience. But at the same time, if someone doesn't like something I've done, I wont always agree with them. If i think it looks good and i consider it finished, than thats all that matters to me.

What do you want your audience to think when they view your thesis?

I want them to understand my love for illustration. I want my audience to understand that i am an illustrator, but also see that i can be creative by not just using a flat piece of paper to draw one. I want to bring illustration to digital media.

In 5 years, where do you want to be with your art?

I want to be happy. I want to be confident with my work, but at the same time, i want to enjoy what i do. Nobody knows where they'll be in five years, but i still dont doubt that i will still be drawing, no matter on what surface or program i use to do it.


  1. This is extremely generic stuff,standard questions, almost in quiz form. There is no evidence that you saw any of your interviewee's work. You don't describe or discuss the work, you don't ask any follow up questions. In this surface form there is not point to the assignment, there is nothing to be learned from it. If you had followed the instructions the outcome would have been different.

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