
The Bauhaus Show "The House of Building"

The Bauhaus Show..hmm let's see... well to be totally honest it was not my type of exhibit. There were many times when I just walked up and down the hallways and collected pleasure by witnessing other's faces. But besides my opinion, I still believe that this exhibit was alive with art. To the layout of the text and images on the walls to the presentation of the pieces, it was a very well presented exhibit to the public and the eyes.
The predominant color of the galery walls were grey and I am guessing this is because the designer did not want the viewers 2 focus on the color vibes radiating from the walls, but the objects and art pieces that in the gallery. Going through the Bauhaus show I realized how powerful colors really are and the affect that they have on anything in its area or environment.Going back to the grey walls, it was very smart that they made it that hue because when a piece was in the spotlight light the wall and background sort of faded away. But grey wasn't the only color. There was radiant colors like red and yellow and they used blue too. So you can imagine the weird moods and feelings some people felt as they wandered through the exhibit
Researching on the Bauhaus, I learned that the shapes circle, triangle, and square and the colors red, yellow and blue are main representations. Geometry was another key factor in the Bauhaus movement. The masters of the Bauhaus were so geometric that they actually believed in an alphabet that had no capitalization. So they believed in lower case letter that formed in a geometric fashion. For an example, if you look at the actual title of Bauhaus and its font face, it is in lowercase fashion. ( I wonder if the students of the Bauhaus would criticize me because I capitalized the b in Bauhaus). Architecture seems like another emphasis in the exhibit or should I say the Bauhaus religion. I say this because everything was set in a certain way and placed in a certain matter, kind of reminded me of organzied chaos.
Now to the sweet stuff..the actual art pieces. There were many pieces presented ranging from expensive looking lamps to paintings to upper class but comfortable chairs. Personally, this show almost seemed like a store opening or something because of the wide range of objects that were there. But my favorite piece in the whole show was the Bauhaus Chessmen and Board. Some sculptor named Josef Hartwig. The reason why this chess piece was my favorite, besides the fact that I own a glass chess set, is because it was so unique and the chess pieces were not the average chess pieces. Instead they were spheres and X's and cubes and cylinders. I learned that
they are minimalist forms that represented the way each piece moved. I just enjoyed the uniqueness of it.
And going back to a special item in the Bauhaus Show was the chairs. The modern designers of the Bauhaus movement were greatly influenced by William Morris, an English designer. Morris believed that there should be no difference between form and function and when that combined witht the style of the Bauhaus designers, that created the style we wtiness today as we look at present Bauhaus pieces. This style is called Madison and it is used in woodworks like tables and chairs.
Overall like I said in the beginning, the show was pretty boring..well to me. But it was packed full of intelligent art and rich history.I recommend it to any art lover who loves art history.

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