
We're Here To be Bad (Good)

My mother and most of the parents in this "good ridden" world of ours would frown down on me if I said that good is bad and doing bad is actually good. After reading Tibor Kalman and Karrie Jacobs "We're Here To be Bad", my whole perspective on being bad changed.

Well at least in the deign world...

The authors challenged the graphic designers of today to be different, to be unordianry, to be...BAD. Yes these authors claim that being bad as designers is being good. Being bad breaks you away from old standards and "what designers are supposed to be like" idea. "We need to be bad as in disobediant. Bad as in insubordinate. Bad as in taking the design brief the clients hands us and rewriting it." page 2.In order to produce successful and long lasting products, graphic designers must create things are aren't familiar with the public and things that are different but effective. This is what bad is..breaking away from the norm.

The article also pointed out that graphic designers must realize how powerful design really is. Say for instance there are two of the same products being sold. Well the graphic designer's job is to make one product look better than its competitor's. Even though they are both the same product, the consumers will buy the product thats appeals more to thier eyes and preferences.
The words strategic communication was thrown alot in this article showing that design shares a major part in marketing.

There is design and there is cannot function without the other.

The interesting point that was made in this article is that design is a very important aspect of marketing but the actual designer isn't. That's pretty sad if you ask me but reality is reality.
But as graphic desingers we must set our selves loose of what schools taught us and what the society tells us on how to be the average designer. We must search for new land and produce new bearings because if we don't...this world is going to be very boring soon. We must be bad!

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