
Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller was a man with one of those fascinating minds of our time. Based on his readings and sayings, he was probably one of the first futurists and global thinkers. His ideas were unique and one of a kind and he thought beyond design. Fuller thought of things that the average designer wouldn't even think of and his level of creativity was very high. After watching his video I realized that architects of the future and even of today should take his ideas into consideration so that life for people can be easier and more convenient. The most intriguing thing that I discovered about Fuller was the map he made in which he flattened the global map so that all the continents were viewed as one island in one ocean. That really caught my attention because I never viewed the world in that way and when I think about it all the land masses are connected and people just segrated the oceans but they are also one big ocean. Buckminster Fuller to me is like the Einstein of design.

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