
Ethical Design Education

Susan S. Szenasy's "Ethical Design Education" was a well thought out optimistic view on the power of designers and how we can change the world into a better one. She presented many sad ways in which humans abuse materials like killing monkeys for their fur and palm trees that are cut down for little snacks. In this article she is challenging us designers to take a step in action to improve the current state of our worldly community. She showed how alot of designers, especially her students, did not see how designers had the ability to improve the world because most believe that this world is ran by "greed and ego". They view this world as an ugly, untreatable planet that has been damaged beyond repair. But what Susan is trying to show is that designers are able to heal this injured world but we must first use our skills. For an example: Susan brought up the idea about recycling and how materials are used. Designers can create a new resource or material that can be recycled forever. Designers can also create a system in which present day materials are used in a healthy manner for the inhabitants of this Earth and Earth itsself. She brought up various designers that fought for this cause. Artists such as William Morris and Walter Gropius. Im pretty sure that by the end of this seminar Susan's design students have a whole new mentality on what they can each do to save the world. "Ethical Design Education" is a very compelling article that will help give designers motivation and encouragement to try to better their envoironment and society.

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